cleaned the kitchen counters,
unloaded dishes,
put dirty dishes in dishwasher,
made out homeschool planner for today
I'm trying to get some much needed baking and cooking done today.
I just put a loaf of banana bread in the oven and a pan of brownies.
I'm going to get a loaf of sourdough bread started here soon. If I have time, I'm going to make a batch of peanut butter, oatmeal, chocolate chip cookies. They are so YUMMY!!
I need to get my coupons put away and my grocery list done. Other than that, I'll probably take it pretty easy this afternoon.
On another note, my wonderful husband bought me a present a couple of days ago. I had to laugh when I pulled it out of the bag - Slipper Genie! Mine are just like the ones in the picture except mine are pink.

He did it kind of as a joke, but I love them!! I wear them pretty much all day when I am in the house. We have hardwood throughout the house and ceramic tile in the kitchen....hey, every little bit helps. If you want your own pair, you can pick them up at Walmart.
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