I know we shouldn't be wishing away our days, but it seems that way sometime. You hear yourself say..."Oh, I can't wait until it gets warmer" and then it's "I can't wait until it gets a little cooler" "I can't wait until Christmas"..the list goes on and on.
I don't really have anything "brilliant" to post today, just some ramblings.
My husband and I do not have any kids for the next few days, so we are sneaking away to spend a couple of days together...woohoo!! It has been awhile since we have done this....and we are both looking forward to the break.
My mother-in-law will be house sitting and pet sitting for us while we are gone, so I spent time yesterday making sure that the house was clean and ready for her visit.
I actually should be finishing up my packing and taking my shower instead of blogging, but here I am (we are leaving in a little over an hour... )
So, I 'll just finish up here....
Here are some pictures of my fur babies that will be staying here...
This is Peanut...he just turned 9 years old. He is such a smart dog...you should see the things that he can do!
This is our pomeranian, Mitzi, or as I call her...Miss Barksalot.
We have one indoor cat whose name is Bear. Bear is a female, but we named her when she was a small kitten thinking that she was a he. Bear is the sweetest and will be a year old next month.

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