Here's a picture of him I snapped this morning before he left.
He's in the 10th grade this year. This is what he wanted to do...ya know just to see what school is all about. I'm excited for him...but a little sad for me.
We went to new student orientation last night and met his first semester teachers. This school operates on a block schedule. They take 4 90 min classes the first semester and then 4 different 90 min. classes the second semester. This gives you a total of 8 classes or 32 credits by the time you graduate.
The first semester he is taking Auto Tech, Chemistry, Wellnes, and World History. The second semester he is taking Honors English, Accounting, Spanish I and Algebra II.
School starts at 7:15 and ends at 2:15. He was up at 6:15 this morning...the earliest he's been up in a LONG time. He didn't get much sleep last night..nerves and all. I'm sure he will do great today and will be ready to get to bed early tonight.
I will be sitting on pins and needles all day today waiting for him to get home so I can hear how it went.
As for me, I am looking to do childcare and tutoring again. I have some leads that I'm hoping will come thru. I might be keeping a 19mth old 3 days a week and maybe do some tutoring the other two. I'm also going to be keeping 5 yr old twins every other weekend. I met them yesterday, a little girl and little boy. They are so cute! The extra money will really help out as well.
Well, gotta go. Hubby will be home soon and today is his birthday!!
Have a blessed Wednesday!
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