Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Today I feel much better than I did yesterday. O.K.....let's backup. My husband and I have been very dilligent in following a budget, paying all bills on time, etc. However, in June, my husband was off for 11 days and that put us behind and we are still trying to catch up - ugh!!
On this site, I'm going to be honest about our bills and debt. We became a month behind on our house note (which I absolutely hate). So last week, I mailed in our July payment. Whew, what a relief for me. However, yesterday, we received notice from our mortgage company that they want July and August payment paid in full and will not accept a lesser amount. I tried to call yesterday and explaing (which is great improvement from my old ways of sticking my head in the sand and hoping the problem would just go away), but they were closed already. So, I decided there wasn't anything I could about it then and I would deal with it Monday. I dreaded having to tell my husband, but I did so anyway. And just be telling him made me feel so much better and that a huge weight had been lifted from me. I am hoping that they will either accept the payment that was mailed to them, or send the check back to me. Either way, we have budgeted in the August payment to be paid this I am not worried that there will be a problem.

Well, I am off to try and come up with some extra money. My goal is to make at $10.00 a day. That would give me an extra $300.00 a month. Wondering how I'm going to do that? Well, hopefully soon I'll be able to post my links, etc.

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